Table Maintenance

All code table maintenance behaves the same. A drop down list of all tables that are maintained appears at the top. When a table is selected all of the entries in the table are displayed. To edit the Media Type of Internet Radio Stream for example, you can double click on the item to display the details for editing. You can optionally click the Modify button appear at the bottom of the screen. Entries are added and deleted by clicking the appropriate buttons. There is also a typematic area that searches for the item you are looking for as you begin keying it in. The data can also be sorted by clicking in the column title area. This behavior is consistent throughout most parts of IRadioAlarmĀ©.


Its important to remember that IRadioAlarmĀ© was built upon state of the art relational database technology. What relational means is that certain data in one table is dependent on data contained in another table. As an example only the key value of INTRADIO is contained in the individual table, for reporting or display purposes the individual table is joined to the media type table. In other words to display the description a dependent relationship exists.

The dependencies are crucial to maintain database integrity. The database has built in database integrity to enforce the relationships, so that if you attempt to delete the media type of INTRADIO and a Media Link exists with that media type defined, the database will prevent you from deleting it.