MS Agent
The Microsoft Agent® animated characters are supported in iRadioAlarm© in
versions of Windows Vista®, Windows XP® and earlier versions of Windows®.
Microsoft® has announced its intent to no longer support the MS Agents beginning with
Windows 7® and subsequent versions of Windows®.
| Peedy®
| Genie®
| Robby®
The MS Agent® also has voice support for each of the MS Agent characters which
is used in the application. To enable MS Agent® functionality it may be
necessary for you to download additional program support directly from the Microsoft®
site. Information and links to obtain the required programs can be found on
the Application Preferences.
Also visit© for current information on how to obtain and download the MS Agent® and core
technologies to support the voice and character animation functionality.
If you have any of the MS Agents enabled you can right click on it to hide it.
Microsoft MS Agent characters are copyright Microsoft®.